Why are LED panel lights acquiring so much popularity?

Many changes took place in the last decade in the Lighting sector, one of them is LED. As a result, these are occupied the market with the products made with LEDs viz. LED Panel lights, LED Street lights, LED Indoor lights, LED High bay lights, LED Flood lights and so on. Thus, you have a large availability of these lights to choose from as per the requirement and the lighting need of your home or workplace.

led panel lights, led street lights, led indoor lights

Apart from, one of the variants that are highly in demand is LED Panel lights. These lights are best suitable for Residential as well as Commercial purposes, therefore, you can avail yourself by installing them at your home or workplace.

Let’s look at the features what these lights are acquiring so much hype, attention and popularity among the consumers. They are as follows:

Thin in design The LED Panel lights come into the sleek and flat design which make them to be easily installed at the places where other conventional lights are unable to install. The reason is, it uses Surface Mounting Device (SMD) led as the light source and mostly SMD5050 and SMD3528 led.

Uniform light– One of the major advantages of the lights is that they emit Uniform light in every direction they are designed to offer illumination.

Cut Costs– With their low power consumption and low maintenance cost, they are the most cost-efficient lighting solution we have ever had. It saves your electricity bills as well as minimizes your maintenance cost that results into a big profit over a long period.

Easy to install– With their sleek and flat design, these lights are easily installable and can be installed against the gypsum boards or plaster ceilings in a new as well as an already lighting-equipped place.

Longevity The effective lifetime of these lights are 5-7 times more than that of the conventional lighting sources. Thus, it doesn’t require frequent and short-term replacement and therefore cut your replacement expense too.

led panel lights, led street lights, led indoor lights, panel lights manufactures

A lighting source, having so many features enable these lights to acquire high popularity among the consumers.

So, If you are still using the conventional lighting sources then it’s the best time for you to switch to these smart, eye-catchy and cost-effective lighting solution to give yourself a freedom from lighting problems.

Sunlight based LED Outdoor Lighting – 99 Lighting Solar

Sunlight based LED outside lighting has been quickly getting ubiquity for as far back as couple of years, however’s regardless it not sufficiently quick.

LED Lighting

We hear mumbles from world governments about changing lighting for lanes, parks, gardens, and bulletins from customary fluorescent and glowing globules fueled by open service organizations to sun based controlled LED lighting. Be that as it may, these mumbles don’t get sufficiently noisy to rouse nations to end up free from reliance on old, costly, and perilous vitality sources, for example, oil, gas, atomic and coal. The pie in the sky thinking about the world to change is costing mankind massively in both security and well being. Read More : https://goo.gl/KV4WHz

LED Flood lights- The necessity of this modern era

As we all know LED Lightings are in the process of replacing the other conventional lighting sources due to their numerous features which are making them the lights of the age. With vast availability of range, it comes as LED Lights, LED Streetlights, LED Flood lights, LED Accessories, LED bulbs and tubes, all these devices use LED Drivers for the power regulation to themselves.
If you are still unaware of the features of LED Flood lights then go through the below points to know why these lights are the necessity of the time;

In this modern era when we are surrounded by the innumerable electronics devices and appliances consuming a thick amount of energy and we all are aware that we have limited resources of energy. Therefore, a smart lighting source is the demand of the time and that’s what LED lights is known for as it consumes less energy. Therefore, it will save a lot of energy in a year for you.

LED Bulb and LED Flood Lights

Long lifespan
These lights are long living and their lifespan last up to 3-4 years which is a very long period from a lighting source point of view. The reason is, conventional lights have a life period of one or two couple of months or a little bit above than this. If we compare both, we’ll reach the conclusion that LED lights have very longer lifespan than the conventional and other lighting sources.

Low in cost
The lights are very less in cost, only the installation set-up can cost higher but it is a onetime expense for many of the years. If we add the maintenance charges with the initial charges and compare with other lighting sources for an average of one year period then you’ll experience that these lights are very cheap in cost. Hence, these lights will save a thick amount for you in a year.

In this highly polluted era, we have many problems related to our environment as with the increasing devices, accessories and stuff for the luxurious life, we are neglecting our environment that’s why we are facing many of the health problems caused by the air. This reason enables us to opt for the stuff that are eco-friendly and LED Flood lights are one of them.
Apart from the numerous features, it is also eco-friendly therefore best suitable for these days as it will help us to create a balance of gases into our environment that will lead us to live a healthy life.

LED Lights have many features and therefore the number of LED lights consumers are increasing at a fast pace. These lights are enriched with the features that make these lights the most desirable and light of the age. Read thoroughly the above points to understand why these lights are the light of this age. If you haven’t switched to them then you must switch to them as soon as possible to experience their white bright light along with their innumerable features at an affordable cost.

Reasons To Prefer LED Bulbs Over CFLs & Others Bulbs in India

If you are willing to buy LED bulbs and lights but aren’t thoroughly aware of their characteristics? By this post, you will come to know the various important characteristics of the LED Lights which will clear all your confusions regarding LEDs. So, go through the below points to understand the major advantages of LED lights and bulbs over traditional bulbs. 

  • Higher Efficiency rate– LEDs have the higher efficiency rate of converting power into light in comparison to that of the other bulbs and lights in the market. These are energy efficient and save a lot of power as well as money. This is the primary reason that enables a smart consumer to prefer the LED bulbs in India over any other lighting bulbs.  
  • Superior lifetime– An LED bulb provides bright lighting up to 50000 hours and it doesn’t fade even after this long period.  While the other CFLs and other lights become faded and dull after a very shorter period. It also saves your precious time by saving you from the hassle of changing the bulbs a shorter time interval.
  • Environment friendly– It doesn’t release any toxin and poisonous gases like that of the carbon-dioxide while other electronics appliances release carbon-dioxide that imbalances our environment and can cause many respiratory problems in human-beings. Therefore, it’s a smart move to switch to the LED bulbs especially in India.
  • Cost-efficient– It consumes less power for its operation yet provides better visibility and lighting that doesn’t have any adverse effect on the human eyes. Hence, it will give 50% power savings that will result into reduced electricity bill thus these are very cost-efficient.
  • Releases less heat– It releases less heat as it has already heat sinks in its circuit which transfer heat into the environment for keeping it cool for a longer time even you keep it on for over the night. Only you can feel a little bit of heat when you touch it. Thus, it’s a good opt to buy LED bulbs than others bulbs in India.


If you are using CFLs then it’s the best time to replace these with LEDs so that you can benefit yourself by getting all the advantages of LED bulbs and lightings along with saving your environment by getting more polluted.

Sunlight based LED Outdoor Lighting – 99 Lighting Solar

Sunlight based LED outside lighting has been quickly getting ubiquity for as far back as couple of years, however’s regardless it not sufficiently quick.


We hear mumbles from world governments about changing lighting for lanes, parks, gardens, and bulletins from customary fluorescent and glowing globules fueled by open service organizations to sun based controlled LED lighting. Be that as it may, these mumbles don’t get sufficiently noisy to rouse nations to end up free from reliance on old, costly, and perilous vitality sources, for example, oil, gas, atomic and coal. The pie in the sky thinking about the world to change is costing mankind massively in both security and well being. Read More : https://goo.gl/KV4WHz